You are allowed to do anything — prove me wrong.
- I am able to make any choice I desire — this will have inevitable consequences and I am not able to avoid this — Once a cat drops and smashes a vase he cannot put flowers into, either he smashes the vase or he puts flowers into it — I cannot wish for what I want without the specific consequences of wanting that thing.
I have to make my mum proud — I have to constantly be trying to do what my mum would be proud of or else I am a failure and that will drive me crazy —I will never be at peace if my mum is not — prove me wrong.
- I might always be unsure on what to do regarding my mum — I might never be conflict free regarding work, money and family — regarding drugs or TV — I might never ever be conflict free — This is my reality — Accepting this and that there are too many variables to achieve this immediately through effort— This is peace.
Watching TV and wasting time means I am failing myself — prove me wrong.
- The feeling of wasting time comes on whilst I’m watching TV it is not as a result of watching TV — This feeling is always going to come eventually as long as I want things to change — not the TV the desire for specific change is what brings this
Life will bring its consequences — they are inevitable — asking to smash a vase but it still be viable is impossible and will bring conflict — this is my reality — fine den!