Today, he sat still, he sat still, nothing, there’s nothing, all the old drives have cleared from him, he no longer really feels shame, he’s not actually afraid of losing anything, it just is as it is today, nothing, the cowboy hat his Dad gave him, nothing.
Times like this man should be asleep but he hasn’t really slept for a few years now, he fights, every night he fights, his mind eating away at him, there’s nothing for him to do but wait, he’s lost, there’s nothing for him to do but wait, he’s happy, there’s nothing for him to do but wait, finally, he waits, the thoughts ramble through, ‘the bare minimum at work,’ he’s worried, he’s thinking about work, about how he’ll explain himself to his mates, nothing, ‘there is no minimum’ the voice of a guru says he found online, this vexes him, nothing, there’s nothing left to do but wait, nothing at all, just wait, just waiting, ‘what if I fall in love,’ he laughs, this is one that means nothing to him anymore, just nothing, he waits, ‘what about my sister,’ he’s hooked, ‘what about her,’ he’s hooked but he knows that there’s nothing, nothing, so he waits, he waits, he waits, ‘boy isn’t that something,’ his old self has never been so loud but he’s saddened to know he believed in such crap, he’s sad, but he waits, there’s nothing, there’s nothing, so he waits, he waits, he waits, he waits, he waits, he waits and he waits, there’s nothing, it just all is nothing, that’s all there is, nothing, so he waits, he waits, he waits, nothing, it’s nothing, it’s nothing, it’s nothing it’s nothing it’s nothing it’s nothing, he’s hooked but still he waits, because even this is just another stop for his wait, nothing, nothing, just nothing, he waits, he waits, he waits, nothing, it’s all nothing, he waits, there’s some movement, his mind holds on to it, but this too is nothing, it’s all just nothing, so he waits, and he waits, he waits, he waits, he waits, he waits, he waits, he waits, there is nothing, he waits, he waits, he waits, he waits, ideas of sleep come but still nothing, he waits, he waits, ‘get comfortable,’ this too is nothing there is nothing, it’s nothing, ‘stay still’ he’s lost, but this too is not true, nothing is true, it’s all fake, nothing, nothing, pain and misery, nothing, he waits, he sees himself sleeping, this too is game, game, game, he is nothing, it all is nothing, he is nothing, he waits, he waits, he waits, his body aches, all a game, layers and layers of games, with nowhere to ever go, because it is all game, forever game, the confusion, game, it is all game, ‘sleep’ he yearns for it, this too is false, nothing is true, there is nothing, all that is true is hollow, the shell is empty, no thing is, he waits, he waits, he waits, he waits, aches, waits, ideas, waits, healing, waits, nothing, there is nothing, it is of no thing, the layers, the words, empty, shells, waits, waits, waits, rhymes, rhythm, song, reason, he laughs, he waits, he waits, he waits, he waits, he waits, work again, he waits, he waits, he waits, he is tired, he does not know, all a shell, he waits, he waits, he waits, he waits,
Now I’m sleepy and I don’t know what to do.