ROAAAAAAARRRR In came the Giant T-Rex. “Muahahaha you’ll never stop me Agent Orange and your mother will never love you again.” “What the fuck did you just say you...” The Giant T-Rex interrupted with a ROAARRR, Jacku hesitated for a second but he didn’t let that stop him talking, trying to out shout the monster. “Listen here you shit bag fuck what the fuck did you say about my mum you fuck wit shit, you can release all the god damn pictures you want you fucking nutter, I know how I masturbate! It is an honourable process, I will gladly go down with these secrets revealed, my mother’s love is not your concern you shit cunt.”
Jacku clasps his hands together ready to release another Kamehameha wave, looking directly into the Giant T-Rex, then he stops, he realises that the T-Rex grew up without a mother this whole time, he laughed at the cliche of it all. “I hate it when things are predictable,” he said. “Hey, T-Rex, I’m sorry you grew up without a mum man, if you want to put these pictures out it’s okay man, few will know what was really going through my head when I did that wank. And you with your psychic powers you know, you know the true sadness that was in my heart, in that moment I really was the monster not you. I mean you have killed thousands of people in an epic rampage and I can never forgive you for that, but I get it, it’s not like President Obama hasn’t merked a kid or two as collateral damage right… I think there’s only one way this ends bro, you’ve done unforgivable things and I’m sorry for your pain. How about we just give into the gods, this one moment now, one last fight, you and me, two beasts, one hunted by society and me hiding from it …”
In that moment the Giant T-Rex, for the first time since he was a child came over with something. This was to be a moment in time, nothing will happen here because of a judgement of his past, this was just a battle for glory, few killers get such a moment to be pushed to their finest limits. The Giant T-Rex gets ready for battle, Jacku on the other side.
CHING! Diamond armour comes through and round the Giant T-Rex, Jacku is poised, a monster looks up and his mouth opens wide as rage, fire and plasma scream together. One leg is raised and as the noise comes to a silent pitch … then BOOM he drops his leg looks forward and what can only be described as a the scream of a black hole stretched and tortured across time comes out with his Black Wave Beam. Jacku had the time to run, but this isn’t about going back home to be on his own again, this was a dance, where the winner must return to his life of minor tragedies and the loser may close his eyes with a smile, no, Jacku didn’t run he became his ultimate form and returned a Final Flash
At one point in the fight both just lied next to each other exhausted and spoke. “Why do you keep going on Agent Orange? Why do you try to protect people so much?” “It’s not that I love people, I don’t, truth is man I just don’t know, I grew up with tales of heroes and a desire to be there for people, I am a tortured soul you saw the truth in me,”
“I saw nothing in you Jacku, I saw nothing in you, there were some thoughts, desires and images but I looked deep down, your mind intrigued me it truly did, you have seen things that no one will ever understand, no one will understand you Jacku and that’s all you really want isn’t it, for your mum to see you as you see yourself so that she understands, monster and love, in its totality, why do we fight Jacku?”
“You know that I could let you go, the world is a big place and I could easily let you go, but you’d be seen and society does not deal well with being lied to, there are big wigs who I hate committing millions of minor atrocities as you lie here, I don’t know why we fight, I don’t know why lions hunt or why Gazelle’s run, but how about we start again and try to wipe the life out of our eyes okay.”
“Okay. Thank you.”
The fight starts immediately then and there, the T-Rex went to swipe Jacku and he dodged. He wiped some dried blood off himself and smirked. The fight went on.
… Time was coming to an end now for the Giant T-Rex, the ‘good’ guy won this time. They sat there spent, Jacku came up close to scratch the head of the beast. Jacku’s mind was spinning, one of his closest friends was about to die now, and that’s it, that’s just it, that’s all it is, it’s done, he’ll never get to see him move, he’s done, another part of reality removed forever, there’s nothing to be done. “The grief is a good thing Jacku, stop running away from the ‘hurt’, you were never weak for feeling pain my dear boy, you are weak for wanting to run away from it, I have no family Jacku, no one to share any last words with, no one will ever understand you Jacku, maybe only some.” Jacku knelt down, sad but still unable to weep, still sad that he can’t weep, still sad that even this didn’t let him weep, “what is wrong with me” he thought. “Still thinking about yourself boy, even at my funeral … cunt” Jacku laughed and this brought out some tears in him. Jacku has no one to share this with, there isn’t anyone who might understand…. ‘Make art’ … Said a voice in Jacku’s head, the Giant T-Rex also heard this and he tried to laugh, this made Jacku laugh and Jacku decided to picture himself deep throating the T-Rex then quickly the other way round. The T-Rex closed his eyes and passed on with a smile. “Was it funny?” was the last thought that Jacku had.
Back home Jacku was thinking again. ‘Make art’. So he started to write, he never showed anyone his works for a while, just published them online on some website somewhere, all under his name but never for anyone to really see. I don’t know what happened to him after all this but the writing was really emotional and fun for him. He eventually showed them to some friends from back home, I think it really helped him to get along with them.