I don’t know much on death, but the Stoics, Muslims and Hindus/Buddhists all liked to meditate on it, the Taoists saw life and death as one thing, I know Christian monks liked to keep bones near them and Shamans would give ‘ego deaths’ to their tribes.
Much has been said, “Death is like taking off a tight shoe,” “Death smiles at everyone and all you can do is smile back,” “Man has 2 lives and the second one begins when he realises he only has one.” My own view is hard to express but from this point on I wont edit/plan anything I type, I’ll just let the natural human creativity do as it do.
It’s cool like if you were go out to a big tree and be like “tree?” then it’s like “??” and you’re like man what!>> I;m like whatttttt face …. I’m a tree ….. pa! … Life is like eating a really big pancake, you can enjoy the whole process as it goes on but still not be mad when its finished, you can actually be relieved about it too and I thought that was really fun to think about :)