Sammy — There’s a certain philosophy out there I don’t quite get it. I’m hooked, it’s very new.
Jenni — smiles
Sammy — There’s nothing to focus on but to understand your reality and unlock further pleasantries. These pleasantries are wholly unique to what most people talk about. It isn’t having something so that you are also away from something, like rich and poor, happy and sad, adored or rejected. It is equanimity, but you can’t think about it — there’s the truth of reality and you just go about the natural process of understanding it and moving on.
Jenni — And why are you interested in it my dear Sammy? smiles
Sammy — smiles I think the philosophy is on to something, my brain felt good absorbing it, I felt good, it made more sense intellectually. But it makes me feel silly for pursuing the opposite and being so invested in it. smiles D’you think things will ever just feel alright again? smiles
Jenni — How long have you felt hurt for my dear Sammy?
Sammy — smiles
Jenni — …
Sammy — Where d’you hide away your hurt Jenni? smiles
Jenni — …
This was followed by the maddest sex they’d ever had. It didn’t really make any sense to be honest. Things went on, a life was lived, et voila.